Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy
Occupations are the activities we need or want to do as we go about our lives.
Occupational Therapists support children to participate in activities across all areas of their lives. They can be activities they need or want to do at home, child care, kinder, scouts, school - anywhere!
Our Occupational Therapy sessions are tailored to your child's unique strengths and interests. We use task-focused and evidence-based interventions to help your child achieve their goals as soon as possible.
Individual sessions are available in the following locations:
Little Rockets Clinic (Eltham, VIC)
Via Telehealth
Therapy Support Program
Our Therapy Support Program offers individual therapy sessions that are prescribed by our therapists and delivered by our Allied Health Assistant.
These sessions provide intensive therapy practice opportunities to support goal achievement, particularly for children who have goals that benefit from frequent and repetitive practice opportunities.
Our Therapy Support sessions are available weekly or bi-weekly in the following locations:
Little Rockets Clinic (Eltham, VIC)
Our community programs are a fun and effective way of helping your child to achieve their goals within an environment that reflects a classroom.
Community programs provide children the opportunity to both learn from, and guide others in a way that is engaging and helps build their skills as well as their self-confidence.
Little Rockets offers the following group programs:
School Readiness Program
Mad Sad Glad Program (focusing on emotional regulation)
Supported Playgroup for children not yet attending kinder (0-3yrs)
Assessment Services
Standardised assessments are available to support diagnosis and/or funding applications.
The following assessments are available:
Fine motor skill assessment
Handwriting assessment (including the DASH for high-school aged children)
Gross motor skill assessment
Sensory Profile assessment
Little Rockets offers school consultations and professional development for staff and parents in the following areas:
Supporting transition into prep/foundation
Supporting students with ASD and or ADHD to thrive in the classroom
Executive functioning information and practical strategies for the classroom
Implementation of sensory and emotional regulation strategies and programs
Developing handwriting programs to support children with dysgraphia
Supporting the implementation of Assistive Technology within the classroom for children with dysgraphia (e.g. typing and voice-to-text supports)
Fine motor and handwriting development
Sensory processing education and practical environmental supports